Academy of Prosthodontics 2024

May 29
June 01
Four Seasons
1111 14th Street
Denver CO 80202
United States
Registrations are closed

2024 Meeting
of the Academy of Prosthodontics

May 29 - June 1,2024

The 2024 annual meeting of the Acedemy of Prosthodontics will be held at the beautiful Four Season Hotel Resort in Denver, Colorado, from May 29th to June 1st, 2024. AP President Izchak Barzilay and AP Vice-President Carlo Ercoli have been hard at work to secure a speaker lineup that will make the meeting a memorable one! With a title of "Prosthodontics 2024...There is NO box!", the meeting promises to be an engaging and though-provoking opportunity for fellows and guests to discuss about contemporary topics in Prosthodontics.

Meeting Location
Four Seasons

1111 14th Street Denver, Colorado 80202

May 29,2024
7:00am-8:00am Get Acquainted Breakfast
10:00am              Guest/Spouse Outing - Botanic Gardens
3:30pm-5:00pm Annual Poster Session and Networking Reception
5:45pm-9:00pm Welcome Poster Session and Networking Reception

May 30,2024
3:00pm-6:00pm Group Networking Social Outing

May 31,2024
1:30pm-4:30pm Business Meeting (AP Fellows only)
7:00pm-10:30pm President's Reception and Installation Banquet

  • AP Active Fellow Restration
  • AP Associate Fellow Registration
  • AP Life and Honorary Fellow Registration
  • Guest Dentist Registration $1095.00
  • Prosthodontic Program Director $495.00
  • Graduate Student $150.00
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