Meet Our Educators

Dr. Jiro Akpobome

Dr. Jiro Akpobome is a General Dentist practicing as a traveling implant surgeon and extractionist in the Houston TX area. Currently, he is constructing a Dental Implant center for treatment and one on one implant education.

Dr. James Amaning

Dr. James Amaning's specialty is full mouth rehabilitation and Amazing Dental Solutions contains a full on site lab complete with 3-D printers, face scanners, and digital impression readers to support that vision.

Dr.Mario Humberto Rodriguez-Tizcareno

Faculty of Dentistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Dr.Luis Keys

Fellowship in dental implant research and surgery at the University of Connecticut

Michael Wehrle

He was a founding member of the BAM (Business as Mission) Center which houses the WIIC.

John Ku, DMD

Dr. John Ku received his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at Tufts University in Boston, MA

Andrew Hamilton, DDS

Dr. Andrew Hamilton, DDS is a Dentistry Practitioner in Columbia, MO.
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